Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Law of Averages

According to the 2009 Proposed Phoenixville Borough Budget, the average borough personnel costs (salary plus benefits) per full-time-equivalent employee are:

All General Fund Departments $87,859

Executive Department $77,781

Finance Department $67,900

Public Works Department $92,182

Police Department $101,897

Codes Department $60,127

Crossing Guards $95,198

Streets Department $81,266

Recreation Department $49,952.98

Water Treatment Department $85,369

Water Distribution Department $75,675

Waste Water Treatment Department $89,272


Anonymous said...

how do you get a job as a Crossing Guard? WOW!

Anonymous said...

That's NOT what they get's the full time equivalent pay IF they worked full time. They only work a couple hours a day. Recompute for an hourly rate.

The Chicken Cacciatore Project said...

Anonymous at 11:39 AM:

If you divide the $95K by 2080, you get $45.77 per hour.

Does the Borough really be pay crossing guards at that rate?

Anonymous said...

My mistake Chicken Man. I miss read. Now I want one of those positions too.

Anonymous said...

While most have seen their incomes stagnate or go away over the last 5 years, if you are lucky enough to work for the borough you have done quite well. By divine right, a 3.5 percent increase compounds to a 15 percent gain in five years.
Taking the "law of averages" figures a applying the magic of compound interest you can see the thousands of dollars borough workers have gained.

I do not believe the crossing guard or executive department numbers, but I am not versed in the magic of dark arts applied by wizards such as the 2 prior borough managers and their sorcerers apprentices.

0 100.000%
1 103.500%
2 107.123%
3 110.872%
4 114.752%

All General Fund Departments $87,859.00 $76,565.58 $11,293.42
Executive Department $77,781.00 $67,783.01 $9,997.99
Finance Department $67,900.00 $59,172.11 $8,727.89
Public Works Department $92,182.00 $80,332.90 $11,849.10
Police Department $101,897.00 $88,799.13 $13,097.87
Codes Department $60,127.00 $52,398.26 $7,728.74
Crossing Guards $95,198.00 $82,961.22 $12,236.78
Streets Department $81,266.00 $70,820.04 $10,445.96
Recreation Department $49,952.98 $43,532.01 $6,420.97
Water Treatment Department $85,369.00 $74,395.64 $10,973.36
Water Distribution Department $75,675.00 $65,947.71 $9,727.29
Waste Water Treatment Department $89,272.00 $77,796.95 $11,475.05