Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Stand up and be counted

Last year, public meetings for discussion of Phoenixville’s budget started at the end of August. In response to the obvious success of that undertaking, the Council President has decided to prepare the first drafts in secret, not only outside the public eye, but hidden even from the other Council Members.

Council Members do not have to accept this. The Council can direct that the budget be taken up in public and can direct the Manager to furnish the draft budget to all Members.

Council does not have to wait until the October 9th council meeting to press the point. The written request of one third of the council is all that is needed to convene a special meeting (53 P.S. §46006).

Are there three Council Members who will stand up for the public they have been elected to serve?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are not 3 members of council who will stand up for the public. Only the departing middle ward member and the remaining east ward member voted with public opinion for a guaranteed, stable, predictable trash budget. Only the 2 members from the middle ward called for any accountability for invoice-gate before the make nice-nice pow-wow with CDC board members, getting one of the 3 neighbors crucial to this municipal government off the hook.
And Mr. Breuer, esq - if 3 request does that not jut mean that this is a golden political theater moment where 3 request something, it gets turned down by the majority - making it look like some actually had cajones when it was just more wadded tissues or dollar bills or invoices stuffed down each others pants?