Saturday, September 29, 2007

Lots of heads are better than none

The Manager's own schedule calls for having a first draft ready for the Council President and Finance Chair during the week of October 15.

Just distribute that material to the remaining six council members. (Hint: you just add the six addresses to your email.)

Indeed, why not put the draft on the Borough's official/semi-official/unofficial (your choice) website? (Hint: you just add one more address, the webmaster, to your email and ask him to put it up.)


Jeff Senley said...

The Borough Manager needs to move his timeline back a week so this information is available for presentation at the October 9th regular council meeting.

This is already 4 - 6 weeks later than it should be considering past years.

Anonymous said...

Should this be titled "lots of heads are better than three heads", Dick?

The Chicken Cacciatore Project said...

Dear Anonymous at 2:58:
