Sunday, August 26, 2007

MacPhee, MacPhi, MacPho, MacPhum

"French Creek Center is going to have a core commercial piece," says John MacPhee, Project Manager for the Delta Organization. "It's going to reestablish a strong tax base, as well as provide offices for companies and jobs. It will also include residential components, some of which have already been built."

--"The Phoenixville's Renaissance" by Bert Wylen (in 2005) at

Fast Forward to 2007

Judgments entered against PPG, Delta Organization, Walter J. Logan, etc. in Chester County Court for $1,002,695.57 (docket no. 07-06153) and for $7,655,320.54 (docket nos. 07-06345 and 06347).


Anonymous said...

What's the story here, Jack? Apparently you smell blood. Care to let us who reside beneath the clouds in on what you see from your lofty heights.

The Chicken Cacciatore Project said...

To Anonymous at 7:10 PM:

All I notice is that PPG's development of the former steel site appears not to have matched its earlier ballyhoo. Multi-million dollar judgments are a less-than-subtle clue.

Anonymous said...

I believe I know what is up. The Republic First Bank gives Delta a $7.7 million loan to pay off a former sugar daddy. This loan was borrowed against an agreement made by a development company to Delta for the development of Parcel Q of the Steel Site. Remember when they wanted to blow up the bluffs? That made me giggle (stupid shit often does). So when the emperor realized that he was not wearing any clothes, he took it to the Court of Common Pleas, Judge Griffith said $8 + Millon judgment plus a per diem interest change and legal fees.

Now, you may be saying "how will they pay this judgment when they don't have enough money to buy toilet paper to wipe the bits of facts and figures that linger, like dingleberries in a hairy ass crack, from years of extracting all of their public comments from where the sun doesn't shine? They won't be able to unless they find another sugar daddy that will believe the bullshit that comes from the one eyed double talker and jerry curled slum lord. Which will eventually put us right back in the same place we are now.

I am glad a certain Council president coddled these guys for this long.

Anonymous said...

Regarding said former Sugar Daddy: Is it fact or fiction that both the borough and the school district forgave the taxes owed to them when Delta purchased the property?

The story is, and always has been, the taxes were forgiven. So why is it that the former Sugar Daddy seemed to think HE paid those taxes? If, in fact, he turned over money to Delta to pay the taxes, but the taxes were forgiven, where did Sugar Daddy's money go?

Discuss amongst yourselves...

Anonymous said...

Messina was quoted at the time of the elections 2 years ago that there was 25 to 30 million dollars in public money tied up in this property. So we've got 30 million here, 8 million there.
The current borough manager was praised for his involvement with this project in a government assocation newsletter. I think we know what this pair of Democrats had in mind for the 21st century. MacFees, MacFinancial Fudgery, MacF-O, Mac F-Um! The stench coming from those two. North side voters and Democrats with any integrity should be doing everything they can to get rid of them.
And what ever happened to investigative journalism?