Friday, August 21, 2009

Ethics Forms -- the Evans way

The Parking Authority members should perhaps take a lesson from Planning Commission Member James E. Evans. He filed his Statement of Financial Interests on March 9, 2009, almost two months before the deadline.

Evans’ filing (item 10) states that he has no “direct or indirect sources of income.” Also, to item 13, requiring disclosure of “office, directorship or employment in any business” he writes “Managing Director of Non-Profit 501-3c” [sic].

According to records of the Pennsylvania Corporation Bureau, Evans is the President of two business corporations: Evans Management Group, Inc. and St. Peter’s Management Corporation, Inc. Both those companies’ addresses are 2 Emmett Street, Evans’ residence; the other listed officers are Evans’ family members. Neither of the companies is mentioned in Evans’ financial interests filing.

Publicly available non-profit filings of Federal Forms 990 for St. Peter’s Housing Development Corporation, Inc. and Church Housing Corp of Phoenixville show that in the years 2005–2007 they paid over $800,000 to St. Peter’s Management Corporation, Inc. Other filings show that Evans received a salary from that company.

Evans’ financial interest filing is for 2008, and the 990s for 2008 are not yet on line. So perhaps the management fee payments and Evans’ salary situation are different from those reported on the earlier 990s, though it seems that he was the President of the two for-profit companies in 2008.


Anonymous said...

I can only hope you're reporting this to the PA Ethics Commission or whoever is responsible for enforcement. Not that they are likely to do anything about it. If they don't, then I would strongly recommend that no one from the Borough's boards and commissions ever file another one.

Anonymous said...

Liberty Place, on High Street, run by Evans Management, houses mentally ill adults, but it is listed in various places on the web as low income housing and apartments for rent. Do the residents there get any kind of advocacy - assistance, counseling, health care or education, or is their main importance to the good pastor the monthly SSDI checks that they get??

Anonymous said...

ahhhhhh those 'men of God'
lolololol! such slimeball jokers. is it any wonder organized religion is on its way out?

Anonymous said...

This information, like to information from the School Board meeting posted on Karen John's Blog should have been reported in the local newspaper(?), "The Phoenix", but it was not.


The Chicken Cacciatore Project said...

When was the last time that The Phoenix functioned as a newspaper?

The Phoenix stopped publishing years ago. Only belatedly did the owners follow through and stop printing it.

Mr. Ellsworth Toohey said...

People should bring this to the attention of Henry Wagner. That way Jim and Henry can share notes on how to misrepresent and omit the truth from those pesky ethic statements.

Anonymous said...

Is this where the Attorney General's office might be of assistance? How deep does all of this deception go. Better yet, an aspiring news reporter looking to make one heck of a name for her/himself as an investigative reporter.
The headlnes might read, "Widows and Orphans Line the Streets of Phoenixville with GOLD".

Anonymous said...

Amazing how Cassidy's Ethics form states no income.Just where the hell is the 125,000 A YEAR for five years going.Then he gets caught by Bruer and states he made a mistake !
This is the kind of nonsense that has to stop.
Also, one of the pricipals of the HG project has no income when that is all his projects generate.
How can Wagner sit up there and not question any of this.
OH yeah, he forgot to fill his out a couple of times.Bye Bye Henry in November.
I for one have contacted the States Ethics Board to look into all of this and hopefully they will come down with some fines for blatant disreguard for the law.
Well done last night Richard.Anyone that wants to see a stellar presentation about how not to push thru an ordinance because of a lack of knowledge on how to open a business and thats what the PA will be, needs to see Richard's
spanking of council.