Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Voters -- we don't need no stinking voters

It’s been just months since the North Ward voters wisely decided to dismiss their backroom-dealing secret-memo-writing budget-hiding council representative.

And now, comes Councilman Kirkner, accomplice in last year’s ‘let’s hide the budget till after the election’ fiasco, pressing to put John Messina back on the planning commission.

The prime accomplishment of Mr. Messina’s tenure on the planning commission is right in the middle of the Borough: the steel site wasteland. For years Messina and those who misguidedly followed his lead promoted the PPG/Delta charlatans in their so-called development efforts.

The steel site remains a disaster. There are millions of dollars in judgments against PPG/Delta.

If you doubt Messina’s role in this, just read what John MacFee says in his sworn affidavit.

Kirkner is wrong, dead wrong. We do need voters. And we need to listen to the voters.

What we do not need is to restore the appearance of impropriety to the planning commission. We do not need the ‘services’ of John Messina.


Anonymous said...

Complete agreement with you on this one, Richard. And thanks for backing it up with an official document. No rumors here - it's straight from the horses mouth.

Anonymous said...

Why would RMK want to support "the piece" unless he knew the deal he was making behind closed doors. John may think he can fool us with the squirrel but court documents prove that deception is more than hair deep. I hope the R's can slap a scarlet "M" on RMK's forehead next year and knock him out like they did "the piece".

Anonymous said...

Nailed it, Richard.

As "Watching Phoenixville" has pointed out, there's at least one other candidate for the commission that should work out just fine.

The lack of development of that site is embarassing, and we've probably already missed the best window for selling/leasing new space.

My question is this: What do we have to do to back out of the current situation? What would be necessary to get PPG happily out of this equation so we can start from scratch?

As an aside, disregarding voters seems to be a bipartisan pastime of the people who run the political parties in this Commonwealth. Perhaps it's a prerequisite for higher office?