Friday, July 27, 2007

And now, a recipe for a little fudge

Phoenixville’s administration continues its sorry pattern of financial misreporting to the Council and the public. Needless to say, it’s in the Trash Fund, where the trash just won’t stop.

In a budget report submitted to Council, covering the first six months of the year, the administration reports “solid waste collection” charges of $948,805.21. Since for the first half of the year, the quarterly charge was $55.25, the corresponding revenues should have been around $570,401 ($55.25 times 2 quarters times 5,162 customers). So, what accounts for the $378,404.21 higher figure in the administration’s report?

Let’s just try dividing that number by 5,162 and see what we get.

Gee whiz, it’s $73.31.

Isn’t that pretty darn close to the new quarterly trash fee?

I get the funny feeling that our fiscal geniuses put the third quarter revenue into the figures for the first half year. What a set of accounting principles!

And, by the way, for some reason the first half year’s figures do not contain any of the $24,000 annual budget for workers’ compensation expense.

So, we have a revenue overstatement of $378K and an expense understatement of $12K.

Your $390K fudge is now ready.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps this is where the money that makes up the difference between the Borough's and the CDC's accounting of whether Streetscapes is over or under budget was placed.

Anonymous said...

Apparently Rendell shows up in September to deliver some money. Shortly thereafter the borough manager (partner in the Phoenixville Democratic Committee for the 21st century) puts his signature on a document to pay out lots of money to the critical Streetscapes contractor. Shortly thereafter the borough manager (or some process or lack thereof in his admniistration) stops critical vendors from getting their hands on the money. When asked about other grant money, the CDC director says "It's here". In what pot is this money sitting and fermenting. Just what recipe has been concocted and is now being cooked up by the persons who ultimately are in charge of signing off on large sums of money? The pair in charge of the money are the pair who were in charge of the Democratic Committee for the 21st century. Fudge is all too sweet for some. I smell a stench of some foul brew fermenting. I only know the color is green but am unable to get a good look in this kitchen. I know the stock feed - grant money from PA and Chester county taxes - will now stew for a while in some unwatched pot. And is there some tasting going on before this brew is (re)scheduled for delivery.

Anonymous said...

Rip Van Breuer Awake at Last!

I find it all a little disturbing, but more so than this trash issue I find the Streetscape issue far more troubling. If you think Cassidy's numbers are wrong - you're just fooling yourself.

One may not like long hair, different mannerisms and sandals - but when we hear a barry-tone solo, maybe we should listen to the music. I suggest that if the manager was one with less experience than Cassidy, he/she would have left long ago.

How do you not pay bills, lose them? Someone is either incredibly dumb or it is intentional. Pick your poison.

Anonymous said...

Just as followup to my own blather above, and in lieu of no one else finding it as mind boggling as I do... from the Phoenix news: "But TPD communication logs indicate that multiple direct contacts by phone and email had been made with Nease, and with Borough manager Anthony DiGirolomo, about the bills during the period."
And full story:;jsessionid=1HydG3qY6JPTYhzYwWLMJpH8YLyFnkHWvphgMnsmWFW1wns17Rlr!-1909965304?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=pg_article&r21.pgpath=%2FPVN%2FHome&r21.content=%2FPVN%2FHome%2FTopStoryList_Story_567437

Anonymous said...

As a followup to the person who posted the link to the Phoenix article. If you've watched the borough meetings you'll know that our borough manager likes to blame other people for his incompetence. If you believe that the chief executive of any operation is the person in charge of the whole operation - you'll know where the fault lies, who is it to blame, who should take the heat. Now, the borough manager serves at the discretion of the borough council. The current council has painted themselves into a corner by hiring an inexperienced executive and incompetent in so many aspects, entrusting a friend and crony to put the peoples' money to work to further the interests of and provide for the safety of those people. Unless the borough council gets rid of their buddy and gets some professional, competent person to sit in that ergonomic expensive chair in borough hall... The only fix for this situation is for the elections this fall to chop away at the failed cronyism by electing those in no way connected with the crew in charge now. By the way, the finance director may be incompetent but he is the only one the people can trust who has some inside role and is honest. If the borough manager seeks a scapegoat - and he will - the finance director is surely not the one culpable.

Anonymous said...

At 2:02 anon,

I agree completely. I find it kind of odd the this blog and buckwalter haven't posted anything in about this mess.

I know if you poke someone with a stick who happens to be the only professional involved here, by saying he's over budget for instance, then you'll get called to the carpet. Still waiting for number comparisons on that one, though I know the answer, it may be commical. Like a globe trotters game, pro against amateurs.